Protect Your Pet from Cold Weather
Baby, it's cold outside! Winter conditions offer a unique set of challenges in caring for your furry friends. Here are some tips from...
HSD Saves ~ Food and Donations Needed
We are so grateful to Alpha Psi Lambda for sponsoring the first HSD Saves Donation Drive! You can help by donating the following items:...
Join us for the Humane Society of Danville's Adopt-a-Thon! Dogs - $90 Cats - $50 Kittens (under 4 months) - $80 Stop by the Humane...
Four PAWS Thrift Shoppe Now Open on Thursdays
Four PAWS Thrift Shoppe will now be open on Thursdays for extra shopping needs! Same hours 8:30 - 4:00. This will continue until at least...